Killing Pixies ~ Made in Michigan

Photo: Courtesy of Andrew Mullin

Hometown: Detroit | Genre: Punk

Label: Not on label | Most Recent Release: LOVE BITES (2023)

Bio: Killing Pixies is one of Detroit’s newest and loudest punk bands. Formed in 2021, the band already has a prolific output, releasing an EP, a full-length album, and a handful of singles in their first two years as a band. Comprised of Pixie (vocals), Larissa (bass), Lorelai (guitar), and Jax (drums and synth), this band pulls no punches when making fun and catchy, but aggressive punk music. Much of their lyrics focus on social and political topics, which can be seen in songs like “Killing Fetus” and “Sharing is Caring,” heard between Pixies’ piercing screams. For an even wilder time though, catch one of the band’s frantic live sets!