Lorde Too?

Way back in January of last year, Lorde sent out a tweet that sounds like the groundwork for the #MeToo movement — and even she seems surprised by how it’s come to be.

Her message read, “Old men in power have a storm coming, the likes of which they cannot comprehend” — and she tells Billboard she’s thrilled to see that storm sweeping through the entertainment industry. Lorde says, “My prophetic tweet! What is really interesting and important about this moment is that every man I know is having to check himself — having to re-examine his understanding of consent. I think that is so overdue and so vital.”

She goes on to conclude that this could well change the landscape forever. “It feels like one of those things where there’s this chasm that opens and it’s never going to close. You don’t get to un-have this moment. This is forever, and the way this trickles down to everyone’s lives is a permanent thing.”